Monday, October 8, 2012

I'm teaching a class at MoMA - 11/5, 11/12, 11/19, 11/26, 12/3

In this class students focus on designing and fabricating their own small tables and chairs from common pine, using a hand saw, hammer, and nails, becoming part of theAutoprogettazione (roughly translated as “self design”) project initiated by the Italian product designer Enzo Mari in 1974. Mari reduced a furniture series to its immediate technological possibilities in an attempt to turn consumer into maker. This class is geared toward persons interested in familiarizing themselves with techniques in wooden furniture construction that can be issued with the aid of only a few hand tools and materials. Other topics to be covered include the basics of tree anatomy, lumber procurement (harvesting, drying, and buying), wood types and usages, basic wood joinery, and applying oil finishes.